A fresh and different coaching experience.

Oh, how you’ve been missed!  Oh, how I hope you find yourself welcoming this shiny new year with open arms and an even more open heart!

So, the thing is…..I have been on an extended sabbatical of sorts…moving from North Carolina to Tennessee and using that move as a kind of cover up for  foolishly vowing to never again write or coach or tell stories.

Just as I packed away boxes  of memories to squeeze this move into a respectable space, I packed away my love for writing, coaching,  telling stories, and even for all of you.   I believed that old wounds justified wrong judgments.  They do not.  They absolutely do not.   Yet, in the darkest corner of the attic, I hid my boxes, bound and burdened by weathered tape, never to be opened again.

But, those loves – as all true loves – would not be denied.

So, on this blustery second day of this brand new year, these loves have relentlessly hounded me until I must release them to the wild and open way of 2013.

And in doing so, I have discovered how deeply I have missed all of you  and myself.

There are two roads.

One is marked by judgment and condemnation and fear and offers no power, no love, no hope.

The other flagrantly flaunts love, power,  joy , forgiveness, and precious freedom even  in the midst of  mess and miracles.

The first road is so very crowded because many choose it only to become stuck smack in the middle; wondering why there are no new sights or vistas or risks.

The second road is filled with new sights, vistas, and risks.  But, it is oh, so gorgeous and exhilarating and true.

We’ve been absent so long from one another that I have no idea which road you find yourself traveling this new year.  Doesn’t matter…the truth is you are never, ever stuck.  But, you may need to recalibrate.  You may need a paradigm shift.  You may need power.

The truth  is you have always had such power within you.
You only need to tap into your joy reserves – which are directly opposed to your critical voices.

Wherever and whenver you have experienced true, honest, intrinsic joy that is your pathway out of the crowded, suffocating road and onto your own road less traveled.  But….you might need to intentionally seek such joy…remember it…identify it….savor it…..and then  pursue it with everything you’ve got.

So, let’s get started.

And if you need  a word of hope, a story to lift you up….let me know….once I emptied those dusty old boxes, I found I have more than enough to share.

Love Love Love You…..


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