A brilliant young musician friend, Stuart Hill, posted this song on his FB page. The band is the Gabe Dixon Band and they deserve to be heard. So does my friend.
I love this song. I listen to it alot.
And today when I realized that the first month of 2012 is basically a done deal….I needed this song.
2011 didn’t play out quite as I had expected.
2012 hasn’t begun so stellar either.
And not for the lack of lofty goals, focused intentions, and some pretty impressive blood, sweat, and tears.
It’s just been a tough start.
So, I really appreciate someone honestly singing about breaking promises to yourself but still believin’ all will be well.
I gave away alot of 2011 and those annoying little habits are hard to break so when 2012 came knocking at my door I had very little left to serve.
So, though it’s been a while and there have been miles we have all traveled since our last crossing of paths…and sharing of blog posts…
I figured why not welcome February – THE LOVE MONTH – as a gift of winter wonders yet to be discovered.
Cause I believe that all will be well for you – which honestly – is easier than believing it for me.
Maybe you know what I mean.
Maybe you are a light and hope bearer for everybody else in the universe – except yourself.
I understand.
Listen…I will not be perfect. In February. I won’t even be close.
I’m pretty determined to avoid perfect like the plague. I’ve tasted her fruit of the vine and it ain’t worth the hangover.
So…..here we go.
I promise to be honest…kind….prudent….shrewd….tasteful (hmmm…maybe)….and gracious….cause grace is the power of the music….
Take a listen…..
Thanks, Stuart….