….my son was married this past Saturday at his wife’s breathtakingly beautiful blue ridge mountain farm amid their dearest family and friends….it was memorable, inspiring, and completely them….
…they flew out this tuesday morning for a once in a lifetime honeymoon adventure that includes visits to gorgeous resorts as well as serving with Habitat in the poorest regions of our world…their story will include lovely candlelight dinners shared together as well as fierce embraces with precious children seeking shelter….
….it is a breakthrough adventure…a breakthrough choice to marry….to love well for a really, really long time…
…..all of my kids inspire me…beyond grateful….
…..i want to be like them….
…..so i thought…are there breakthrough moments i might have missed…
…..might be still missing….
….how many subtle miracles might i have disregarded…..
….could it be that breakthroughs are happening all around us…each of us….in our own small spaces…in our dearest relationships….whether within brilliantly lit wedding tents or dimly lit shacks across the globe….
….maybe so….
….truth is i’ve discovered that they are so easy to miss……………
….or to dismiss…
….breakthroughs can be long awaited doors just barely creaking open…just a crack….or a long awaited job change finally becoming reality….or relationships won…or lost….or health recovered…or attacked….or homes filled to overflowing with voices…or silence after years of sounds….
….breakthroughs can be accompanied by wrenching tears or marvelous belly laughs or silence so still you can barely breathe…
…breakthroughs can be any shift….towards the east or the west….towards the sun rising or falling….towards hearts soaring or breaking….
……they are a very good thing….a necessary thing……
….and we need to pay attention……i need to pay attention…..
…every single one is powerful and begs our respect and honor…
….oh, i know…….we are busy people….
………………………we are important people….
….and pausing…even for a moment…to acknowledge any sort of breakthrough…
….is so interruptive…..so time consuming……
…..so unsettling…unnerving….unfamiliar….
…..but maybe today is a good day to see the breakthrough…
…maybe today is the day to run with arms outstretched….flinging wide your mind and heart….
…..acknowledging the starting line….the first step….
….first steps are always breakthrough steps….always…
….i don’t want to miss my breakthrough….
….i don’t want you to miss your breakthrough…
…so shall we pursue it…hunt it down…
….for within our breakthrough is the very truth and courage we need for our next first step….
….so pause……frame the moment…….journal the story…….share it…….tell someone you love….