Welcome to my back porch
If you are reading these words, then please allow me to personally welcome you to my back porch and offer you a hot cup of coffee or cold glass of sweet southern iced tea.
Having just met, we may not yet know one another all that well and so may have no idea what has drawn us together.
That’s okay.
Let me introduce myself and then please feel free to do likewise.
I am a beginner blogger but a longtime story teller and collector of stories….
….which has led me to become a personal life coach because I am passionate about every single person loving and living their truest story.
It is most who I am and happens to be what I also do.
I am not, however, good with formulas, linear equations, computers, or absolute guarantees so this blog will have none of those.
And truth be told….I’ve found all of these things to be a bit overrated.
If you come to visit from time to time, please do not be dismayed at a seeming lack of sequencing or punctuation or sound sentence structure. I write like I think which I’m afraid is how I live….rather rambly…impulsively….authentically (often tough on those who must live with me).
But, here’s the deal…I am mostly interested in you….in your story.
So, feel free to share; to comment; to question; to call.
I’ll be right here….with a cup of coffee made especially for you.
Thanks for dropping by,
Beth Cole
May 31, 2010
Congratulations on launching your blog, Ruth!
Ruth Bresson
May 31, 2010
Much due to you, my friend…many thanks….
Susan Disher
June 1, 2010
Very much overdue…..finally have an “experienced” blogger to add to my quest…carry on my Sweet Friend…will look forward to seeing this in my inbox often!
Ruth Bresson
June 1, 2010
not sure about the “experienced” part but appreciate your encouragement so much…thanks….
June 1, 2010
Good job, Mom! Now we need to get this on your facebook for people to click on and see. include pictures too
ok love you oodles and oodles!!!!