From Our Clients
“Each day I see more people in need of a “life coach”. There are so many voices influencing our decisions that we often neglect our own! Ruth Bresson has the unique capability to listen, accept and guide. She is able to express her compassion and her wisdom while giving practical alternatives to those ready to work on a more fulfilling life journey.” -- Joanne Soliday
Executive Vice President, Performa Higher Education
“Ruth came into my life in a season of change for me. There were some new beginnings that God was allowing to happen and I had some fear. She listened to me, God gave her the unique ability to see into my heart at the root of the issue and she encouraged me to step out in faith, and because of it, I am forever changed. Had I allowed fear to discourage me, I would have missed the opportunity of the new chapter God had. Ruth helped me to embrace a new phase of my journey that required me to leave behind the familiar and embrace the new.” -- Corrie Guckenberger
Back2Back Ministries, Nigeria
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